Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bird by Bird

Bird by Bird, by Anne Lammot, encourages the writer to take the writing process in little bits- day by day, minute by minute, piece by piece, word by word, bird by bird.  I have this big untitled project called nick-named dissertation.  It feels far away, but is looming closer and closer. Actually, that's a much more grim view than I normally take. I actually am looking forward to parts of the process.  However, I need some work.  My goal is to write a bit everyday.  I'm using this blog to spur on the writing process.  In some cases it may get the juices flowing, in others it may be a distraction until I run out of things to say and am forced to go back to the more serious task at hand.  I'm also using it to document my process.  I may use it for research some day....who knows!  I'm looking forward to the journey!  Come with me...day by day.