Friday, November 12, 2010

The meeting I did not have

I was supposed to have a meeting Tuesday with my advisor. She texted me to say she didn't feel well and didn't know if she would have much to offer.  I stopped by her office anyway, to have my time sheet signed and trick her into meeting with me.
We talked a little about my research question.  That part really interests me.  I'd love to sit down right now and design the actual study.  I'm excited about that, the data collection and the results.  I could do without the lit review, transcribing and actual data analysis.  (Actually, that's kind of a lie.  I like data analysis.  I'm just currently in the midst of data analysis that is not exciting, thus dampening my excitement for all data analysis.)  We talked a bit of strategy regarding my design, who I might interview, etc.  I told her I realized how much stinking work this is going to be.  Spare me the sighs and eye-rolls.  I know.  It's a dissertation.  I know I signed up for it.  However, it is a lot of work.
After she inspired me to get going, we delved into some delicious gossip and catching up.  What fun.

Then, I left the building and it snowed. ugh. I don't like snow.

Tomorrow, Saturday, I teach my last class for the week.  My week is slightly thrown off working Tuesday through Saturday.  Then, I'm out of town for a family funeral.  More on that later.  I really need to pack. I'm not sure if I have enough clean items of the unmentionable nature to last me for the weekend.


  1. Does your disdain for snow come from being a natural Texan or because snow is a natural occurrence where you live now?

  2. P.S. you have not had a blog post in 10 days. Get on the ball :)

  3. It comes from the whole "Isaac isn't here and now I have to shovel" thing.
